Yesterday was a historic day in the Town of Islip! The Islip Town Democratic Committee warmly congratulates our new Town Councilmember Jorge Guadron, who was inaugurated into office yesterday. Councilman Guadron cares deeply about our community and will be a great representative for all of his constituents. We are incredibly proud of him, he has worked long and hard for many years in the community, long before running for office. Yesterday…
Month: February 2022

Get Involved this Month
To all our Committee Members and Volunteers,Thank you for attending the first Islip Town Democratic Committee meeting of 2022! We are excited for the upcoming year and it was great to see many new faces, returning faces, and people that we haven’t seen in a few years.2022 will be an exciting year for our committee as there will likely be numerous important races at all levels, from US Senator to…
Statement from the Islip Town Democratic Committee RegardingCounty Executive Bellone’s Veto of the Redistricting Maps IR-1964
As is now well known, County Executive Steve Bellone has vetoed IR-1964. IR1964 established a new County Legislature district map, including 4 majority minority districts for the first time in the county’s history. Although the Legislature was then majority Democrat and could have passed a gerrymandered monstrosity, they instead submitted a map which politically split districts evenly based on 2020’s election results, ensuring fair representation for all of the voters.By…