Sign the Petition to Support the Suffolk County Redistricting Maps

Right now the Suffolk County Legislature is considering adopting a fair map that doubles the minority majority districts from two to four, and in areas where new minority districts could not be created, they were left whole so that their votes are not diluted. This map follows town lines and zip code boundaries as much as possible and politically is an even split. 
IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THIS MAP GETS VOTED ON AND SIGNED BY COUNTY EXECUTIVE STEVE BELLONE ON FRIDAY!! Come January the bill will automatically die if it is not voted for and the Republicans will hold control of the legislature next year. 
The Republicans have held up the vote on this bill several times, we cannot let them run out the clock! 
Please call & email Steve Bellone’s office and urge him to sign the bill! Here is an example script you can use. 
Phone: 631-853-4000Email:

Call/email script: Hello, my name is ____________ and I live in ______________. I am calling/emailing in support of IR 1964. This is a fair and equitable map that reflects the demographic changes in Suffolk County and creates representation that aligns with those changes. Signing these maps into law will be a step towards racial justice in our communities. I ask that County Executive Bellone sign IR 1964, and stand in solidarity with the communities that would benefit from increased representation.

There is also a petition on this matter you can sign! 

Please share this information with your groups, committees, friends, and neighbors.
